Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Boarding Schools Vs Public Schools - 5 Reasons Why Boarding Schools are Superior Than Public School
Boarding Schools Vs Public Schools - 5 Reasons Why Boarding Schools are Superior Than Public School
Boarding Schools Vs Public Schools - 5 Reasons Why Boarding Schools are Superior Than Public School

Since the time of their inception boarding schools have typically outperformed public schools both educationally and prestige. Even though there has been a broad political and social debate about whether a self-governing or public school is preeminent, boarding schools typically outperforms public schools for a multiplicity of reasons. There are several reasons about why boarding school is better than public school.

1. Boarding Schools have the best specialized and trained teachers.

It is the one of the main and crucial difference between boarding school and public school, with the better and specialized teacher one can infer that boarding schools will deliver high standard of education, as compared to public school.

2. They tend to have a smaller class size than most public school.

The average class size for public school is around 30 student, whereas the class size for boarding school is around 18 students. These schools take less students so that the performance of each student can be measured, while in public schools it is difficult to meet the needs of each and every student due to the large size of the classes.

3. Students are motivated to perform higher in independent school than in public school.

These schools gives better opportunity to students to show their hidden talents by participating in the extracurricular activities and encourage them to perform their talent in any platform, they are free to choose the respective platform to develop themselves, whereas in public school students do not have such opportunities.

4. Boarding schools typically have better school buildings and more funding for sports.

Although it may not be true for all boarding and independent schools, most of them have modern and upgraded infrastructure and better funding for sports. With the superior looking school many parents and students feel a sense of pride and school spirit. Also increased funding for sports helps school prestige, as students like to be a winning team.

5. Boarding schools are not affected by the money obtained from the state.

Boarding schools are free of the funding requirements of the state. Private boarding schools funds and requirements are looked after by the board of directors not by the sate government, whereas in public schools the funds are obtained from the state government. This means most public schools are making concessions to reduce their expenses, often cutting useful programs and teachers.

Nevertheless some boarding schools are exclusive and extremely particular in the way recruit future students. If you have the means and want your child to be well prepared and receive quality education boarding school is the best option for achieving those goals.

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