Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Use SMS to enhance your business

Use SMS to enhance your business
SMS messages are often an underused areas of digital marketing. This is perhaps because companies worry about doing it badly and being thought of as a business that pesters its customers.

While this is a danger of badly-run SMS marketing campaigns, the low levels of competition means that good campaigns get more opportunity to stand out. What's more, far from pestering and annoying customers, SMS tactics that are used well can actually boost customer service levels and give customers a better experience with your business.

Updates and Notifications

One of the best ways to enhance customer service through the use of SMS is to use this messaging system for updates and notifications. Customers love to know when a product has been dispatched or when there has been a change in an ongoing process, so regular notifications of any kind are a bound to be well received.

Text messages are one of the most effective and faster ways in which a business can accomplish this because people tend to carry their mobiles with them all of the time and they too will often receive an immediate audio prompt that their notification has arrived.

Smartphones with email notifications are starting to change things, but the value of texts still remains. Indeed, even with the advent of smartphones it looks unlikely that the advantage of using SMS will become old hat. One reason for this is that the sheer number of incoming emails leads many people to turn off smartphone notifications, resulting in the fact that SMS still remains the only truly immediate way to reach these customers.

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