Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Importance of Positive Psychology for Success and Joy and happiness!
The Importance of Positive Psychology for Success and Joy and happiness!
Positive psychology includes many modern schools of psychology that research positive traits, such as optimism, resilience,forgiveness, humor, and altruism. It also draws upon classical literature that supports the theory that happiness and success are a state of mind.

"The mind is the master over every kind of fortune; itself acts in both ways, being the cause of its own happiness and misery,". Furthermore,
when people learn how to be happy and how to choose their attitude,
they increase their chances of success.

Innate Happiness

The term innate happiness refers to the body of work by scientists and philosophers who have identified that innate happiness that abides in each person. This innate happiness is not a response to anything-it has nothing to do with anything in this world.

This innate happiness is more than just positive thinking-it exists whether or not you are in a positive frame of mind. Teachers, ancient and modern, have described this innate happiness as "inner gold," "original joy," and "pure being." It is the "holy fire" of which Helen Keller spoke.

This innate happiness-which I refer to simply as "joy"corresponds to the Renaissance theory of being. This joy is not dependent on circumstances or psychology; it is more real than that. It is impossible to quantify this joy, and any writer who writes about it has to hope the reader already has some knowing.

This joy is inside you, always. This joy is your essence, minus your neurosis, minus your doubts, minus your busyness, etc. This joy is the Signature of your Unconditioned Self. lt is your original voice and it is your innate intelligence.
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